La Playa Block 121 Card 2
LA PLAYA BLOCK 121 CARD 2.tif LA PLAYA BLOCK 121 card #2 Portion ef Block 121- ZA DENIED the Amended request of Robert A. & Sheila Fleming, Roy ll & Virginia McDonald & Alice C. Kritzk, owners; John Frei burg, purchaser to constr a 3-story 4-unit condo bldg. to: 1) observe a 5' interior side yard where 7' is reqd; 2) observe a 15' rear yard where 18' is reqd; 3) stairway to observe a 6' street side yard whee 10' street side yard is reqd; 4) erect 20' of approx. 8' hi retain. wall within the street side yard where a max. 3' hi retain. wall is permitted in the street side yard; & 5) to provide 626 sq. ft. of landscaping where 690 sq. ft. is reqd., Misc. Map 37, at 2945 Kellogg St., Zone R-600. with conds. C-18222 3/9/84 Portion- ZA APPROVED request of SUZANNE SZALAY (#A), ROBERT PHILLIPS (#B), D.A. GAQUETTE & M. ELIZABETH GAOUETTE (#C), BRUCE B. HICKOX (#0): OWNERS- to 1) maintain a garage observing a O' rear yard; 2) a 0' side yard; 3) to maintain 40' of 61 high solid fence erected at the perimeter of the garage roof, resulting in a combined total height of 10'6'' in the rear yard; 4)to maintain 89' of 6' high solid fence erected at the perimeter of the garage roof, result- ing in a combined height of 11'7" in the side yard; and 5) to maintain 20'8" of 6'2" high soli wood fence observing a 0' front yard at closest point at 2945 Kellogg Street, R-600 zone, coastal zone, Prop. ''D" Height Limit Overlay zone with conds. C-20164 1/13/89