La Playa Block 124 Card 1
LA PLAYA BLOCK 124 CARD 1.tif. tA PLAYA BLOCI, < 124 CARD #1,y Por Lot I (also known as Bch Lots of erect 41 x8 1 addn to non-conform gar, 351 Rosecrans St SD)- Permit to Leonard & Doris Pimentel to to be connected to house & ~sed for stor space Res 6041 11/28/51 Nly 50' Lot 3 & 25' San Antonio Ave clsd adj- Request of Lucian K & Rita H Small, v & Albert James McCartney, owns; Peter M Davidson & ~ee Roy Miller, a partnership aka Bay Shore Development Co, purchs to remove exist res & const 3 sty 21 unit apt bldg with parking under; apt to obs 5' SB on Lawrence St where the avg SB of b I k I 8 1 I 0" Is req TABLED R-4 Case 541 3 l /11 /63 N 50' of S 100' of E 125' Lot 4- Permit DENIED to Wendell M & Anita Fernades to const a 3 sty, 9 unit apt house resulting In approx 55% coverage where a max of 50% l.icov Is permitted at 362 San Antonio Ave, betw Kellogg St & Military Res St Case 7247 7/23/65 Permit to ABOVE to erect approx 4 1 high retaining wall with 3' high wrought iron fence on top resulting in approx 7' high fence & wall obs 0 1 SB on San Antonio Ave where max 3' high fence is permitted in the aver SB of 281611 cond 1 1 Case 7257 7/23/65,