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Development Services

La Playa Block 124 Card 2

LA PLAYA BLOCK 124 CARD 2.tif LA PLAYA I 50' ot e S 100' of E 125' Lot 4- Permit DENIED to Wendell M. & Anita Fernandes to constr a 42' x 27',detacned carport addn to exist four-unit apt bldg, carport to obs al' front ya, wnere 15' front yd is req, and to result in approx 55~ coverage, where 5~ is perm, at 362 San Antonio Ave betw Kellogg & Lawrence Sta. Zone R-4. C-11179 5-3-72--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Portions of Lot 1 and Lot 4, all of Lot 3- Permit was considered by ZA to MOONLIGHT BAY/BARDACAS GARROW ENTERPRISES to (1) maintain an existing 12' X 6 1, 18'-3" high ground sign which is less than 200 1 from an occupied dwelling not in the same sub- division, where a maximum 12 1 high sign is permitted and must be 200' from any occupied dwelling not in the same subdivision; and (2) continue the use of one unit as a sales office when said unit is less than 200' from any occupied dwelling not in the same subdivision. DECISION: APPROVED the request EXCEPT for height, at 2926 Kellogg Street, Zone R-3A. Condition. C-17641 NH 8-31-82