La Playa Block 132 Card 1
LA PLAYA BLOCK 132 CARD 1.tif CARD# I LA PLAYA BLOCK 132):.;r Lot 2- Permit to H W Demps:er c/o 940 Third Ave to erect and oper 2 sing fam res In R-1 Res 65344 12/29/36 Lot I- ermlt to HJ Kircher to divide said lot Into facing San Fernando St and const sing fam res on each Lawrence Sts 2 equal parcels, 75'x150 1 NE cor of San Fernando and Res 3141 5/19/48 Lot 4- Permit to Manuel G & Mary N DaRosa to erect addn to exist gar making It l81 x40 1 with no side yd and approx 12' rear yd 3114 Lawrence Res 2865 2/11/48 Lot I- Permit to Wm N Copley, owner & Eliz N Thompson, purch to div Into 2 equal parcls & erect sing fam res on one & maintain exist res on other 3144 Lawrence St cond'I Res 8366 7/21/54 N Lot I- Permit to F Bruce Kimball, owner & P~llllps L Gavsewltz, purch to const res on par not of record at time of zoning NE cor Lawrence & San Fernando R-1 cond'l Case 1388 8/30/57 S 100 1 Lot 4- Permit to Manuel G & Marla N DaRosa to const 17 1 x20 1 storage rm addn above exist 18'x40' gar with storenn above obs 0 1 side yd & 16 1 411 rear yd (5' & 20' req) addn 0 1 side yd 3114 Lawrence St R-1 Case 4537 11/10/61----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------