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La Playa Block 134 Card 2

LA PLAYA BLOCK 134 CARD 2.tif LA.PI.All Bta:lt 134 CAR{} i/2 ~V w. 1001 of II 1001 or Lot 2- Permit DEIIIED to L. and T. Corp., (C-8612) to coiaat l~ti.,.3- st.017 apt. houae approx 44' high where 301 height limit Zone 1, Ord. No.8ZJ71 in effect;, (C-8613) oba 01 rant yd behind est.ab 15 1 at widening SB on Roaeerana St., witb second and third etory- cantileYered to obs 6 16 at aide yd on HC:Call St. and 6 1311 rear yd, 101 st aide yd and 101 rear yd ia req; and reRlt in approx 61.5% coverage, where max1wm 60% is pera., at 447 Rosecrans St ., Zone R-4.. Cases Bo. 8612 & 8613 4-2.4-68 APPEALED and GRANTED in the amount of 35' at the low side with a level root line, and deciaiOI of Z.A. is overruled. Case No. 8612.&PPE.A.LED and DENIED and decision of Z.A. is sustained and &ffil'llled. Case No. 8613 6-.3-68 APPEALED to Cit7 CO\Ulcil and DENIED and decision ot Board of Zonin& Appeals ia auataineG and at.firmad, by CC ha. No. 194182. Cue No. 8613 7-9-68---------....----------------...---- ---------4 l30vE <7- f'~/~. //MEN L> E I) 9-,;n,/"0 9 iy,e_ 1.x r l(J 1c x p G,-.J lo (9 c? <,1-r,, 9)