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Development Services

La Playa Block 156 Card 1

LA PLAYA BLOCK 156 CARD 1.tif LA PLAYA BLOCK 156 card 1 fl' To remodel a res Into a duplex In zone R-1 DENIED to Florence Hampton c/0 577 Rosecrans St Res 65645 3/9/37----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 4 (Wty 50' of Sly 100')- Permit to Richard K. McLean to erect sing fam dwell Owen St W of San Antonio Ave subject to approval of plans by the Zoning Committee Res 641 6/22/44 Ely 50 1 of ~ly 110' Lot I- Permit to Chas F Mccurdy, owner & Joseph Avoyer, purch to divide & build single story res Owen St E of Rosecrans Res 4504 3/8/50----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- W 50' of N 100 1 Lot 3- Permit to Dal Ice Hardenbrook to const sing fam res S side of Perry, approx 125' W of San Antonio Res 4883 8/9/50----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N JOO' of E 125'- Permit to Carl H & Ida May Burkett to div Into 2 par ea 50 1 x125 1 SW cor Perry & San antonlo Sts Res 5830 9/5/51----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ely 50 1 Lot 2 exc Sly 50 1- Permit to Joseph B & Alberta L Silva, owns & Byron N & Andrea R Cartwright purch to erect sing fam res on par of land not of rec at time of zoning, exist res to be demolished 2937 Perry St Res 5997 11/14/51 Sly por Lot 4- Permit to Geo H Murch to const sing fam res with 10 1 SB on Owen & 15' SB on San Antonio NWly cor of Owen & San Antonio Res 7235 3/1-3/65?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sly por Lot 4- 6 mos ext to Geo H MU1Ch ABOVE Res 7748 9/16/53-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------