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Development Services

La Playa Block 158

LA PLAYA BLOCK 158.tif 1'. PLAYA BLOCK 158 t, E 75' of S 100 1 Lot 4- Permit to George S & Lulu B Parker to cqnst private residence In R-1 xone with rear yd 5' providing there shall be no bldgs on the N20 1 of S 120 1 of E 75' Res 66354 8/10/37 Lot 4 NW 75'- Garage to the prop line on Owen St Granted to Mrs J L Strawn.,.,-- Res 60650 9/5/33 Lot 2 S 50 1- Private garage 4 1 ba~k of prop line on San Fernando Granted to Thomas G Cross Res 61950 8/2/34------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N 100 1 of S 125 1 of Lot 3- Permit to Ed P & Aldena Silva to const sing fam res & gar split prior to 12/5/54, 596 San Blljo St RI-C zone Case 2678 7/29/59------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nly 100 1 Lot 2- Permit to Howard F & Helen Taylor, owns & Max & Vivian May Zuest purchs to const 2 sty sing fam res with att carport & storage area at frt on par split & recorded after date ofa-lg zoning; carport & storage area to obs 01 SB on San Fernando St where averg SB of the blk of 11 Is req; carport & storage area to obs 0 1 side yd on Nly side; dwell to obs 5' side yd on Nly side where l0 1 side yd Is req on Nly 100 1 of Lot 2 San Fernando St Secor San Fernando St & Perry 5 t clsd R-1-C Cases 6048-6050 10/30/63------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,,Por Lot 4- Permit to Thomas VA & Rosalie B Wornham to erect a 5' high chain link fence / encroach 15 1 Into the r~q 15 1 avg SB of the blk on San Elljo St where a max 3' hi fence Is perm 560 San Elljo St betw the NW cor of Owen St & San E'lljo.St per legal on file_ Zone R-1-10 Case 7749 NH 6/14/66