La Playa Block 166 Card 2
LA PLAYA BLOCK 166 CARD 2.tif---..-- ~,__:; LA PU>.VA iL0CK J 66__ Card #2,o Por Lot 3- Permit to Robt addn to obs 6 1 SB from San 3005 Rogers St R-1 zone B & Marjorie M Wren to const patio addn to exist sing fam res Dlonlclo St (34' avg) exist gar obs I' side yd (5 1 req) I Cases 2892 & 2893 10/ 30/59 NL;~-4-:-p;;,-;;rt-t~-M;;th;-M:-F;~;t-t;-;;;~t-~~-f;;-;;;-;;;~;d-by-207-;~;;;;~t-f;~;--- Quaitrough, 75' north of Qualtrough. Res. 6717 8-20-52 s Lot 3- Pennlt to Albert A. Frost to construct sin fam res on parcel served by 20 1 easement from Rogers St. 75 1 south of Rogers St. Res. 6718 8-20-52----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N75 1 Lot 3- Permit to Albert A. Frost, Jr., own res SW corner Rogers & San Dlonlclo Sts. N75 1 Lot 3- Permit to erect sin fam res with 41 & Robt Wren, purch to erect sin fam Res. 7025 12-10-52 SB from Rogers St. Res. 7026 12-10-52 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Por. Lot 3- Permit to Judge Edgar B. & EYelyn Hervey to maintain 271 sq. ft. deck for existing sin fam dwell; deck obserbes 0 1 intm~ior side yard and is at highest point 8 1 above grade, where 4 side yard is req and accessory structures must be 70 1 from front property line in,_order to disregard interior side yard, at 3005 Rogers Street betwn Rosecrans and San Elijo, Zone R-1-5- Cond 11. C-12,212 10-4-73-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------S 1/2 Lot 3- CASE WITHDRAWN- NOT NECESSARY for Kenneth H. Golden to constr a 20 1-611 x 28' rm addn to exist non-coriforming-sin.:fam residence where property does not front Qn a--dedicatt ~t. at 3011 Ro~ers Gi_.,Zqne R.~l~S. C--__l_!_,~8_ ~17-76