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La Playa Block 168 Card 1

LA PLAYA BLOCK 168 CARD 1.tif LA PLAYA BLOCK 168 CARD ffl f fo Por Lot I formerly known as San Gorgonlo St from the Nly termination of the present st to the Nly line of Lot I and pro of Nly 2/3 of P.L. 169- Permit to Nora Woodward to divide and erect sing fam res with ace on San Gorgonlo St and st frontage of 29.72 1; In add to exist res on prop Gage Dr~ of DuPont Res 4878 8/9/50 Lot 3 s Rogers St clsd adj- Cond 1 1 permit to Alvin Rosa to const res on San Fernando St betw Rogers & Qualtrough; said res to have 17 1 rear yd on cond that a 26 1 Side yd be obs on NEly side Res 8202 5/26/54 Lot 4- Permit to Stephen & Joanne Fine to constr a sin fam residence with bar sink in den, 600 Blk San Fernando St. Zone R-1-10, AGREE /fl907 ll-23-73 Lot 4- Ass't. Z.A. cons req of Stephen & Joanne Fin; to (I) const sin fam dwell obs 10' front yd where 20' is req & (2) erect 125' of retain wall 5' hi obs 5' front yd & 150' of solid wood fence 61 hi obs O' front yd where max 3' hi fence or wall is perm in 20' front yd at 600 block San Fernando St betw Qualtrough & Rogers St Zone R-1-5; (I) APPROVED; (2) DENIED as req; APPROVED solid wood fence 4' hi with matching 4' hi gate obs O' front yd. Condi. C-12343 12-20-73