Lake Country #1 Card 6
LAKE COUNTRY #1 CARD 6.tif card 6 LAKE COUNTRY NO Lot 57- Permit DENIED to Sunset International Petroleum Corp to use a sing fam dwell as a model home with real estate sales off in gar for the sale of homes in the immediate area with signs as follows: one 4 1 x8 1, one 3'x6', both dblefaced free standing uni ighted ID signs all for a per not to exceed I yr (See Case 6424) advert hms for sale in other subds where such uses are perm only in subds recorded Jess than two yrs and at least 200' distant from occupied homes in other subs 6971 Jackson Dr NE cor of its intersctn with Twin Lake Dr R-l-5 Case 7733 7/11/66 Lot 86- Thomas W & Carol J Wright to convert exist gar to rumpus rm and bath with ~ bar sink in a sing fam res 6692 Jackson Dr R-1-5 Agreement 1551 8/1/68 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 19-21- Z A considered the app of Lake eountry Properties to erect one sing fam res on ea lot to be used for a per of one yr as model homes for "[akeridge" a new subd located 3/4 mi to the SE &:(I) Sales off to be loc in gar of res on Lot 19 (2) One dbl faced, unlighted 6'xl0' grd ID sign on Lot 21, obs O' SB where 25' is estab (3) one dbl faced 8 sq' model ID sign for ea lot in frt of ea lot to obs 0 1 SB where 25' is estab (4) two flags on poles, 14' high, in frt of ea lot to obs O' SB where 25' is estab; where model homes, sales offs, ID signs are perm if no closer than 200' toany occ dwell unit not of the same subd 6587 Jackson Dr NE cor of Jackson Dr & Lake Badin Ave R-1-5 and has made the following decision: (!)APPROVED (2) DENIED 6 1 xl0 1 grd ID sign but APPROVED 4 1 x8' grd ID sign (3) DENIED 8 sq' model ID grd sign for ea lot but APPROVED 6 sq' model ID ground sign for ea lot (4) APPROVED all cond'l Case 8287 9/5/67 ext to exp 1/1/69 (8/28/68) ext to exp 5/31/69 (3/24/69) 3/1/69 (1/9/69) (5/31/69 no ext)