Lake Country # 4 Card 1
LAKE COUNTRY # 4 CARD 1.tif card I LAKE COUNTRY NO 4 Lot 178- Permit denied to Lake Country Const Co to coast two 2 1xl41 arrow addn to exist 10'x21' sign at NW cor proposed Lake Aral & ~ake Murray Blvd R-1 arrow add to top of sign but APPROVED one arrow at bottom of sign to exp 2/18/60 Case 2506 5/22/59 Lots 143, 157 & 158- Lake Country Const Co to canst 3 sing face temp 4 1 x8 1 directional signs for max period of 120 days W side Lake Murray Blvd N & S of Lake Anvil Ave DENIED 2 of req signs, but APPROVED I direct sign along Lake Murray for 6 mos to exp 11/28/59 Case 2504 5/22/59 Lots 156-159- Lake Country Construction Co requests to use as model homes & use gar for sales off with 5 & 1 for off also one direttional sign at Anvil Lake R-1 TABLED to canst 4 sing fam res signs 2'x3' one for ea model E side of Lake Murray Blvd Case 2507 5/22/59 Lot 158- Permit to Lake Country Const to erect sign on exist post 21 'xlO' dbl faced 29' high obs 2 1 SB from Lake Murray Blvd NE cot Lake Artemus Ave & Lake Murray Blvd R-1 Case 4066 5/26/61 Lots 156-159- Permit to Am Housing Guild Sales Corp to compl canst of sing fam res on ea lot & use same for mod hms, with one sing faced unlighted 2'x3' mod ID sign on elot & use gar on Lot 158 for tract sales off, with one 3'x5' unlighted dbleface sales off sign; and maintn exist post mtd 12'x21'x29' hi dbl faced sign obs 5 1 SB. from Lake Murray Blvd perm by Case 4o66 all to advert hms f~ sale; all to be maintnd for not more than 1 yr on Lake Artemus Ave Wly of Lake Murray Blvd R-1 cond'I Case 5023 7/16/62