Lake Country # 5 Card 1
LAKE COUNTRY # 5 CARD 1.tif-,-.~-.;,-. LAKE COUNTRY NO. 5 Lot 283- Clarence E. & Marie Lee, owner & San Carlos Baptist Mission, Lessee, DENIED to use exist res & gar as church mission & conduct religious meetings; put up small sign 2' x 4' on cor of lot 6398 Badger Lake Ave. SW cor Badger Lake Ave & Lake Aldon Dr., Zone R-1. C-3646 10-28-60 Lot 253- Permit to Melvin E. & Maxine Tibbetts to maintain approx 60' of 5' high fence in estab 10' SB where a 3' high fence is perm at 6392 Budlong Lake Ave betw Lake Aldon Dr. & Lake Andrita St., Cond'l. Zone R-1-5 C-7394 9-23-65 Lot 304- AGREEMENT 1225 to Jeanne L. Capes to convert gar room with bar sind, 8195 Lake Andrita Ave., 1-25-63 Lot 204- The Z.A. has considered the req of Gene A. & Betty L. Spurlock for perm to construct (as amended) a 20' x 25' faro room addn to existing sin am dwell, addn to obs a 10' rear yd. wjere 20' is req, at 63105 Budlong Lake Avenue between Lake Andrita Avenue and Lake Adlon Dr., Zone R-1-5 and has DENIED the req for a 10' re,r yd, but APPROVED a 14' rear yard. /~ C-12,395 1-30-74----------------------------------------------------------------