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Development Services

Lake Country # 7 Card 1

LAKE COUNTRY # 7 CARD 1.tif ~,-; card 1 LAKE COUNTRY NO 7 Lot 422- Permit to lake Country constr Co to erect sing face free st 8'x24' unlight sign back of SB 1 yr E side Boulder Lake Ave 700' S Jackson Dr R-1 Case 4068 5/26/61 Lot 422- Permit to John Shugert, own & Lake Country Const Co lessee, to maintn for a per of 1 yr, 1 exist sing faced fr stdg 8 1 x24' unlighted sign, sign initially perm by Var Case 4068 on Lake Boulder Ave betw Ruby Lake Ave & Jackson Dr R-1 ext to 8/23/64 ext to 8/23/65 Case 5143 8/23/62 Lot 471- Permit DENIED Raymond A & Lillian E Pagano to complete fam rm addn to exist sing fam res obs 12' rear yd where 20' req 6211 Emerald Lake Ave N of Blue Lake Dr R-1 Case 6216 1/21/64 Lot 471- ABOVE appealed by appl and the appeal was granted; dee of Z A overrued & further imposed the following cond; that any fireplace which is installed in this addition shall encroach no more than 2 1 into the permitted rear yd Case 6216 2/25/64 Lot 456- Permit to Jos J & Linda Coit to erect apprx 84' of 5' high solid redwd fence obs 4' SB frm Blue Lake Dr where 3 1 high fence perm in est 12' SB area 6203 Rose Lake Ave betw NE cor of Rose Lake Ave & Blue Lake Ave R-1-5 cond'I Case 6603 7/10/64--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------