Lake Country # 7 Card 2
LAKE COUNTRY # 7 CARD 2.tif--..__ / LAKE COUNTRY NO 7 Lot 442- Permit to Oscar and Doreen Ames to maintain cedar fKnce obs 41 SB from Blue Lake Dr where 12' SB NE cor Ruby Lake Ave & Blue Lake Dr R-1-5 cond'I card 2 approx 125' of 5' high solid is estab 6205 Ruby Lake Ave Case 6634 9/2/64---~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 415- Permit to Earl W & Ann Collins to const 12'x24' open. patio approximately 40 1 from front prop line obs 3 1611 side yd where a 4 1 side yd is req'' only 611 into side yd 6259 Boulder Lake Dr R-1-5 Case 6738 10/5/64 Lot 433- Permit to Franklin B & Patricia G Cole to erect approx 110' of 5' high ch link fence and to raise the ht of existing 5' hi ch link and wood fence with I' high fiber glass panels to a total ht of 5' high all fence on top of exist 4 1 bank where a 6 1 high fence above adjacent grd level is perm 8155 Blue Lake Dr R-1.-5 cond'I Case 7837 NH 8/16/66 Lots 19-21- Z A considered the AMENDED app of Lake Country Properties to erect one' sing fam res on ea I ot to be used for a per of I yr as model hms for "Lakeri dge" a new sub located 3/4 mi to the SE and:(I) Sales off to be loc in gar of res on Lot 19 (2) One dble faced unlighted 61 xlO' grd ID sign on Lot 21 obs 0' SB where 25' is est (3) One dble faced 8 sq' model ID grd sign for ea lot to obs O' SB where 25' is est (4) 2 flags on poles 14' high, in frt of ea Jot to obs O' SB where 25' is est where model hms, sales offs ID signs are perm if no closer than 200' to any occupied dwell unit not of the same sub 6587 Jackson Dr NE cor of Jackson Dr and Lake Badin Ave R-1-5 and has made the following decision (I) APPROVED (2) DENIED 6'x10' grd ID sign APPROVED 4'x8' grd ID sign (3) DENIED 8 sq' mod ID grd sign for ea lot APPROVED 6 sq' mod ID grd sign for ea lot (4) APPR all cond'l Case 8287 9/5/67