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Development Services

Lake Shore #1 Card 2

LAKE SHORE #1 CARD 2.tif LAKE SHORE NO 1 card 2 d- Lot 11- Permit to Richard E & Lois Sisson block.wall encroaching!& 1 into req 12' SB Ave & Green Gables Ave R-1-5 to maintain approx 16' of 5' high screen 6915 Glenflora Dr betw Beele Grande Case 7392 9/23/65 Lot 446- Permit to Golfcrest Development Co to complete canst of dwell with eaves at one pt encr 11 &1 into the req 41 side yd where max of 11 encr is perm 7264 Glenflora betw Sanders Ct & Littler Dr in the R-1-5 Case 7464 10/28/65 Lots 1-4- P rmit to Capri Construction Co to (Case 7607) erect a sing fam res on ea lot; res on Lot 1 to be used as a sales off and model; res on Lots 2-4 to be used as models; to erect one free standg 10'x6' dbl faced unlighted 10' high ID sign on Lot 4; to erect one l& 1x2~ modi sign on ea lot and to have two poles with flage on ea lot; subd map was filed on 10/10/62; and (Case 7608) erect one free standing IO'x6' dble faced unlighted 10' high ID sign encroaching 18 1 into 20' est SB 7362, 7368, 738o & 7372 Jackson Dr R-1-5 Cases 7607 & 7608 3/24/66 5/20/68: exp- no ext granted---------------------------------------------------------.------------------------- Lot 110- Permit DENIED to John S. & Betty W. Roel to canst. a 43 1 x 12' master bedroom addn to exist. sin fam dwell addn to obs a 41 6" setback at closest point, where 12' is estab. at 6778 Green Gablec Ave. at the southwest cor of'Green Gables Ave. and Glenflora Ave. Zone R-1-5 C- 10744 9-15-71