Lake Shore #4 Card 1
LAKE SHORE #4 CARD 1.tif yp ~HOBE UNIT fl. s,,q-~ CARD# 1 'r Lota.305, 306., 'J07, 345, &.346- Permit to U.S. Financial (Attn: Mr~.iobfft E. Kre1a, V.P.) to 4177'6) uae existing dwelling on each of Lota.306,.307, and 345 for model boas with tract s&lu office in 1110del on Lot.306, with one 2 1 x.3' raodel identifying aign on each lot, and ou 31 x 41 tract aalea office aigg. on Lot J06; w,e Lot.305 for custcaer parking and Lot.31.6 tor custoaer plq and recre&tion area; all uses to bmu tor sale in a eubdiv- ieton recorded more than two,-are ago (12-20-63)~ and all uses to be maintained for a period not to exceed one,-ar; ult (C-7767) to erect fence.max.3 16 high extending from the rear of Lot J46 acroas Casselber17 way to front cor of sales office on Lot 306; and to erect 51 high fence extending from the rear or Lot 345 across Casselberry Way to a point 12' back or rear cor otdwell on Lot.307; both fences to encroach 15 1 into est SB on Casselberry Wq., on Lots 345 & 346 ~ l2 1 Jato the est 12' SB on Cuselberry Way on i.ota 305 & JO? where ax 3' high fence is pera, at.6931, 6947, 6963, 09.38, & 6990 Casselberry Wq, S']J of Hyde Park Dr., Zone R-1-5, Coi:id11. 1 yr. ext to exp 8-1-68 (7-6-67) Case Nos.,,7766 & 7 7 7-15-66---------------------"=~:i..~1~-~~~~~~G'f~a~-:J'6!."'";&r...~~""-~------- Lot 387 i Permit to San Diego Unified School District to const d operate a high school that will enroll a max of 3,000 students and located on Park Ridge Boulevard betw Wand.em.ere Dr. & Navajo Dr., Cond'l. ' C.U.P. Case No. 129-PC 1-12:.;:67-----------------------------------------------------------------Lot,365 '.- Permit to U. s. Financial Corp, to maintain approx 65 1 of 51 high grapestake fence.; obs tram 101 to 15 1 SB, on Wandermere Dr. wh~ a 3' high fence is perm in estab l.5' SB, at 6607 Park Ridge Blvd. at the NE cor of its intersection with Wandermere Dr., Zone R-l-5. Case No. 8431 N.H. 10-.30-67