Lake Shore #5 Card 2
LAKE SHORE #5 CARD 2.tif-.,,.,:;:;~! LAKE SHORE UNIT NO. 5 Per. Lot 399- (Parcel B. D. P. Hl66) Cont. from Card No. l- structures are perm in or over the SB area, at 7225 Jackson Dr., Zone C-lA, and has APPROVED the electrliers as- request~d and shown on plans submitted; has DENIED the 31 x 41 x 51 high poster board sign as requested, but APPJ:l.O\TED said sign of obs 10' SB; has DENIED the 3110" x 22 1811 x 301 high ground sign as requested, Cond1l. Cases No. 7909 & 7910 10-21-66---------------------------------,------------------------------------------------------ Lot 399 Parcel D of DP 227- Permit to Navajo Investors, Ltd., own & Lake Country Propertie1 lessee to erect an 8 1 x 16 1, overall ht 18', subdivision directional sign obs 20' SB but eliminating 10' req landscape strip in the 7300 block Jackson Dr. betw Navajo Rd. & Golfcrest Dr., Zone C-lA, colidl.-~~h-::Yf.!__.{=!2:.1-U-i.:2=_7;_-!__{J:!'f::'J9i.:;Y.k.&it.. ').___:=:~~~~:~:.:____ ~=~::~~------ Lot 399- Permit to Jol:m C. Mabee to erect freestand dbl-face interior illum ID sign area of face 114 sq. ft., deck around approx 36 sq. ft. w/garden lamp on top & l' x 51 rider under, high overall is 32' obs 16 1 setback where 20' is estab at 7439 Jackson Dr. CA Zone C-10902 N.H. 11-8-71--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 399;;i Permit DENIED to John c. Mabee to constr 4 additional buildings resultfng in 118,238 sq. ft. of gross floor area and to provide 480 parking spaces, wnere 591 are req; at tile SE cor of Navajo Rd Intersection witn Jackson Dr zone CA C-10979 1-13-72