Lake Shore #5 Map 5178 Card 3
LAKE SHORE #5 MAP 5178 CARD 3.tif LAKE SHORE UNIT NO. 5, Map #5178 \~ CARD#3 Lot 399, Parcel C & D, DP 227- Permit DENIED to John C, l-E.bee- Big Bear Markets to constr three addn buildings resulting in 113,500 sq. ft. of groos floor area and to provide 485 parking spaces on site where 568 are req; and to provide thirty parking spaces on portion of Parcel A of Lot 399 adj to the northeast with access from adj parcel as shown on plot plan and according to lease and easement agreements hereto att- ached, in 6900 Block Navajo Rd., betwn Jackson Drive and Golf crest Dr., Zone CA C-11,1531 ll-8-72 Appeal to Board- DENIED, and the decision of the Z.A. be, and hereby is, sustainad and affirmed. C-ll, 531 5-2-73 Por Lot I- Permit to John Mabee DENIED to erect a 16'-high, 128 sq. ft. identification sign {ground) on same lot w exs 150 sq. ft. ground sign at 7005 Navajo Road. Zone CA. C-14600. 9-23-77.