Lake Shore #6 Card 1
LAKE SHORE #6 CARD 1.tif--:mioH.E No~ 6' ~l\l--s 'Fl~ ~396- Permit to Sunset International Prop., Inc. & Natswr'Corp., owners & Harker Develop- ment Corp., purchaser (C-6510) to const gas sta on parcel w/2 floodlite poles & l Texaco banjo sign in req. planting strip Jackson Dr., & 2 floodlite poles in req. planting strip Navajo Rd where no structures including lite poles & signs are permitted in 101 planting strip; AND (C-65ll) to const serv sta w/canopy projecting to obs 15 1 SB, canopy roof sign projecting to obs 181 SB, 2 floodlite poles obs l' SB, & l interior lited bango sign obs 0 1 SB on Jackson Dr where 20 1 SB is EBtablished & 2 floodlite poles oes l' SB on Navajo Rd where 15 SB is est.,_ a7JJ,~~ l},~v:;~ ~/1..2. ~~(_,c.?t?~~...L~-!Oc~son Dr., Zo~e C-:~... ~~~~~No. 6510 & 65ll 6-16-64 Lot 1- permit to Navajo Park Plance, Inc. to move on & maintain for.a pr-iod not to exceed one yaar, a 40' x 20' sales office & construction office with unlighted signs as per plans; all to be back ef 9sta.b 15' SB & all for use in conn with two 11.ew subd being developed in the area at 687ft Hyde Park Dr. betw XJlDl Park Ridge Blvd. & Jackson Dr, Zone R-4 condl. l,.,) C,7J22.___ ~J0/65, ~!~4,2==-67 f {1:..lJ+-66) l.J.!'__!_~_t_o_e__1:P_._2_-_l_-_~j_8.,_-_~!_-_6_:[L..I.:!k&/i,~_-_JQ:L'f:JcJi..J___ ~ vtct 395 Parcel 11 B11- Permit to Cowles Mountain Investment, Inc,, to maintain for 1 yr, 1 SF, 4'x 8 1 unlighted, post mounted, directional sign, in 6800 Blk of Navajo Rd, in RP-H. Zone; denied cond 11. Case No. 8730 (N,H.) 8-6-68