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Development Services

Lake Shore #6 Card 2

LAKE SHORE #6 CARD 2.tif (~-;:----:. / ~. ll #2,J_-)fflS SHORE UNIT' NO._ 6 Lot 395 (Parcel B, D.P. lll)- Z.A. considered of Cowles Mt. InvestmentB, Inc., to maintain t}leee 4e x 8 1 x 81 double-faced, unlighted, free-stand signs; one ID sign on Jackson Dr. for San Carlos:,> rofessional Bldg. and one ID sign for San Carlos Properties Realtors" on ~ch Jackson Dr. & Navajo Rd. for a total sign area of 96 sq. ft.; all signs to obs yd & SB req, where pel'lll signs are req to be att to but proj no more than 16tt beyond the face of the bldg and where 3/10 sq. ft. of sign area for ea lineal ft of frontage is perm; at 6800 Navajo Rd., at SW cor Navajo Rd. & Jackson Dr., Zone RP-lA, and has DENI~D the app as requested, but APPROVED one sign, max size 41 x 8 1 to advert San Carlos Professional Bldg combined with ad- vertising San Carlos JM&ltors, to be placed in front of bldg. Case No. 8849 9-6-68 /------------------------------------------------------ / Lot 395- Permit to Cowles Mt. Investments (as a.mended) to const 2 signs (1) 2' x 8 aJld (2) 2' x 20' single-faced interior lighted, attabhed to face of bldg; totaling 79 sq ft where 20' is perm; at 7428 Jackson Dr., betw BavaJo Rd. & Hyde Park Dr, Zone RP-lA condl c-9063 1-21-69 j Lot 397- Permit to Jackson Drive Group to constr &: maint 1 free-standing, sin-faced sign 81 x 4' overall height 6, advertising construction of new professional center w11ere only signs attached to face of bldg are perm at the:NW cor of Jackson Dr.&: Hyde Park Dr., Zone RP-lA, condl ext to exp 6-20-71 (6-8-70) C-9361 N.H. 6-20-69-tf'-~,l; ~ /:i.- ~o-71 {i,- t- 11) Ct~-;J.o-7 I, '17.c'&;l.)