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Development Services

Lake Shore #6 Card 4

LAKE SHORE #6 CARD 4.tif LAD 00111 mr1T #6 ~ l~ (-~ CABD #Ii l '7 Lot 397- Z.A bas conaiclerecl tbe request of Jackaon Bavejo Profess1oul Center tor perm to erect one,.,6" x 10' x 9' lligb, double =facecl, lighted, iclentitication sign obs 10' SB where 20' is tab, reaultiog 1n total alga area ot 272 sq. ft. on Jacuon Dr, were 80.7 sq. tt. 1a perm and vllere signs IIWlt be attacbecl to face of blclg, at 7402 Jaclulon Dr betv BavaJo Rd and ~cle Park:Dr. Zone CO; ucl bu D&IIIID tile application u requested., but APPROVED a 3' x 10' m 5' bigb, double-facecl, ligbtecl 1cleDtiticat1oo sign obs 10 1 SB, vbert 20' is eatab, reaultiDC in a total tan area of 135 sq. ft. abutting Jackson Dr. c-10797 10-21-11------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 2- Permit to Union Oil Co. ot Calif to constr & operate a service station vittl accessory sales located on tbe SE cor of the 1ntereect of BavaJo Rd and Park Ridge Blvd. Zone CB. 316-PC ll-18-71 Appeal- BZA DDIED appeal and th.e decision of ttle Z.A. be, and h.ereby 1a, auata1Ded and affirmed. c-10797 12-2-71 Lot 397- Permit to Jackson Drive Group on lot; buildings to obs 16' ftont yard is established and 12' street side yard established and 12' rear yard where 15' to construct two 6ffice buildings setback on Jackson Drive where 20' on Hyde Park Drive where 15' is i~ required. C-12,580 N.H. 4-23-74---------------------------------------------------------------------------