Lake Shore #6 Card 5
LAKE SHORE #6 CARD 5.tif LAKE SHORE UNIT #6 Card #5 d-.() Lo.t 397- CASE TABLED- the amendment is not required, change of face on sign only, located at 7404 Jackson Drive, CO zone. Amend. #C-10797 9-25-89 Lot 396- SCA APPROVED Amendment to CUP request of GEORGE E. TROTTER, JR. AND MAXINE MURDY TROTTER, OWNERS; WIGINGTON PETROLEUM, INC., LESSEES,which permitted construction of a service station canopy observing a r5 1 setback, canopy roof sign observing an 18' setback, two floodlight poles observing a l'-6" setback, one interior lighted banjo slgn obs.a O' setback on Jackson Drive where 20' is estbl.; two floodlight obs, a l'-6" setback on Navajo Road where 15' is estbl., to reconstruct the originally permitted ground sign in the same location with change of pole and change of copy, located at 7448 Jackson Dr. in the CA Zone. Conditions. C-6511 5/15/92 NH