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Development Services

Lake Shore #6 (D.P 11) Card 3

LAKE SHORE #6 (D.P 11) CARD 3.tif LAKE SHORE UNIT #6 (D.P. 111),, Card #3 \?" /Parcel B of Lot 395- Permit to Dr. John w. Hardebeck for Cowles Mountain Investments, Inc., to erect one dble-:raced, interior lighted sign, 41 x 8 1, placed inand incorporated into planter, overal.l. heignt 7'6", sign to encroacn 1.0' into 20' estab BB on Jackson Dr., where signs are req to be attached to & not project more tnan 1.611 beyond the:race of bl.dg at 7430 Jackson Dr. at the SW cor of its intersection with Navajo Rd., Zone ~~.UL~A.~?LJ_________________________________________::::~-----~=:~=~---------~- Lot 397- CLASSIFICATION OF UBE- Fl.etcher Hil.l.s Real.ty-Branch Bank RP-1.A Zone l.ocated at the 11W cor of the intersection of Jackson Dr. & Hyde Park Dr., Res. 75------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por,:~9t}95.. Permit DENIED to Cowles Mountain Investors to maintain a 6 1 x 10' x 12' hi uni ighted, single-faced, 2-pole directional sign adv "Ridgehaven" obs 8 1 setback where I unlighted sign offering premises for sale or rent is perm and where 15' setback is req on 6!34r.Navajo Rd betw Jackson Dr & Park Ridge Blvd Zone R-1-5. C- I 0841 N. H. 10-13-71