Lake Shore #6 Resub #1 Map 5453 Card 2
LAKE SHORE #6 RESUB #1 MAP 5453 CARD 2.tif.. -- "'"'.-.,. J' '. LAKE SHORE 16, RESUB /fl Map 5453 ./ Lot 1- Permit to Messrs. Sidney, Allen & Lawrence Jaffe to const a 182 unit apt complex providing approx 42 carports witn approx 2000 sq ftof storage on top at rear of property obs a 0' rear yd, wnere 10' is req at rear of lot & addnl 5' provided betw bldgs at 68oo blk Navajo Rd. betw Jackson Dr. & Park Ridge Blvd., in tne R-4 Zone. C-9531 R.H. 9-30-69 Lot l- z.A. baa coneic1erec1'', tile requet of San Diego Invetments to-.1ntain tvo 1' x 81 x 12' bigll, iagle-tacecl, ligllted ID tiigae vnere-.x ~ sq. tt. ign 1 perm;; sign to obs O' SB oa Bavajo Rd. vbere 15' is estab; on Bavajo Road betv Park Ridge Bl '9d and Jackson Dr. Zone R-Ji. aod DU DIIIID as requested, but APPROVED tvo T' x 8 1 x 12' nigh ~in aiagle-tacecl, lignted m signs ob 0' SB on Bavajo Roacl, aod one sign, mu 16 aq. tt. on Jlyde Park Dr near Belle Olide Avenue interec; aubject to coa41tions. ~ ~'/--/- 7 ~( 7.i) C-11103 3-29-72 V_J_'J~i,:_i!l.,~_J'lg_~~)______________________________________________________________