Lake Shore #7 Card2
LAKE SHORE #7 CARD2.tif LAKE SHORE #7 Card #2 ~, Lot 402- Pennit to San Carlos Townhouse to constr 65 unit apt complex w/balconies & por of bldg obs 10' SB on Golfcrest Dr. where 15' has been estab at 7249 Jackson Dr. NW cor of intersection w/Golfcrest Dr., Zone R-4. C-10009 NH 7-20-70----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 401- Permit to H. & N. Construction Canpaey to constr a 120' x 240' handball court and tennis court accessory structure addn with 10' nigh chain link fence on top tnereof on lot witn exist enclosed recreation facility, addn to obs 10' SB on Golfcrest Place, wnere 15' is estab, 5' rear yd, wnere 15' is req, and O' interior sideyard, wnere 41 is req, at tne NE cor of Golfcrest Dr and Golfcreat Pl. Zone RV, n~' p,K,, L,lr-1~ l,V~ r ~ Tffl}_ r 11'-I,-,-)() Lo,,c.8-._,~.- c-ii230 A 5-25-72. kk.4._~_/1_-_/.:_Ztf...._'!.:~-C...:ZJJ_~k-~ig_./.::?.i..f2_:,.-.:t.-:.Z:fJ_c._-L'Z:'lf_Jk:fdt.,_~_"Cbt_)__ Lot 401--~ermit to H. & N. Construction Co. to erect approx 120 1 of 12 1 high chain link fence with 14' high lights, 20 1 spacing, obs a 51 rear yrd where 151 is req., at 6900"Golfcrest Dr., betwn Navajo Rd, and Gol1'crest Place, Zone R-V. Rc~l)'-r,~,-, /=1K-,ltr1in use 6--T r1r 11 n;:,__r (./o i-ot:.--c-t..,_?#i>,J;l2,053 N.H. 6-29-73--------6:"&.;-~y;17;;:,--------------------------------------------------------------------