Lake Shore #8 Card3
LAKE SHORE #8 CARD3.tif.....--- ~~1..- LAKE SHORE #8 Lot 739- Permit to Abe & Marsha Greenberg to erect 70' of 6 1 high wd fence obs 0' st side yard at closest pt on Casselberry Way where max 3' high fence is perm in req 10' & 15' st side yard when rear yard ajoins front yard of adj lot, at 6804 Murray Pk Dr, Zone R-1-5. Condi. Case #C-15764 1/15/79 Lot 704- AGREEMENT to JACQUELIN FRIEDMAN to construct a second floor art studio addition with sink over the garage attached to existing single-family dwelling, locate,d at 6427 Lockmoor Drive, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2947 7-6-83 A2A to Lot 737- Permit APPROVED by/JOSEPHS. AND NANCY T. VAUGHAN to construct approximately 94 1 of 5 1-6" high retaining wall with a 5 1 high wood fence on top, for an overall height of 10 1-611, observing a 0' setback on Murray Park Drive where a maximum 3' high open fence on top thereof is permitted in the established 12 1 setback, located at 6350 Casselberry Way, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-18120 NH 7-27-83 1 Lot 719- ZA APPROVED subj to cond the request of INTERNATIONAL PEl'IDLEUM CORP. & Jf:lr DUNSTANS EPISCOPAL CHURCH to construct a church plant to include activities and devlop:rent ' shCM11 on corrected plot plan rec'd Jan 22, 1969 and amended Nov 7, 1986 which pennitted a, 2800 sq ft addition to the existing parish hall located at 6556 Park Ridge Boulevard, Rl-5000 zone AMENDMENT C-7951 12/4/87