Lake View Country Club Village #1 Card 3
LAKE VIEW COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE #1 CARD 3.tif f LAKE VIEW COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE #1 Lot 3- permit to Johnson Western Constructors to erect & maintain for a period of one year, one single-faced, unlighted, 61 x 12', 10 1 high directional ground sign, on skids, advertising lots for sale in Country Club Village, new subd,, located Nly of Jackson Dr. at 7ml9 Jackson Dr, betw, Lake Shore Drive & Twin Lake Dr., Zone R-1-5,condl, l yr ext to exp 5/6/67 (5/6/66) Case# 7092 5/6/65-----------------Lots 15 & 21- Permit to Viking Developers, Inc. to maintain for a period not to exceed one year a model home and one 16 sq. ft. model identifying growid sign on each of Lots 15 & 21, to maintain use of exist gar on Lot 15 for tract sales office and to erect one 61 x 16 1 x 12' high double-faced ground sign, unlighted on Lot 15; all above uses to advertise homes for sale in Golf View Estates in Lake View tract real estate office and signs in conn therewith, prior to the second anniversary of filing and recording final sub map is perm ISee C-6607) at 6398 Lake Shore Dr., the fM cor of Jackson & Lake Shore Drives, Zone R~l-5, for a max of$ mos. to exp 3-15-67. Case No. 7836 9-13-66 ',- c;;-;;-rr~-i2_i'_rf----;;;;it1:-;i7:'&.77;;;;;:-c;:-~; Ca I i f. Fed Sav. & L n. Assoc. ~-;;;s-;;~;di:-h~;; s.ales office & signs. Observe 10' SB on Jackson Dr. & Lake Shore Dr.- Condi._________ (-no- &d-:.;.,O--t..-&(';)_____________________ Case_ No._ 8653______________ 4-2~-~s_______ Lot 14- Permit to Johnson Western Constructors to erect & maintain for period not to exceed one yr., 1 dbl,faced,unlighted,1 1 x 8G 1 sign advts. lots for sale, Country Club Village 6103 Jackson Dr., NW corner Jackson Dr.& Lake Sh.Dr.,Zone R-1-5. Condi. Case No.6910. 1-15-65