Lake View Country Club Village # 3
LAKE VIEW COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE # 3.tif LAKE VIEW COUNTRY CLUB,VILLAGE ti3 Lot 157- Request DENIED to Paul E. & Helen Stitzman to maintain an existing 6 1 high solid fence encroaching 10 1 into established 15 1 SB on Lake Ree Ave. where a max 3 1 high fence is permitted at 6307 Lake Shore Dr. at the NE cor of its intersection with Lake Hee Ave. Zone R-1-5. Case No. 7726 (N.H.) 6-23-66---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 185- Requeat granted to ViKing Developers, Inc. to canst. single family dwelling observing 13 1 street side setback where 15 1 est. setback is re:;:uired. 7554 Lake Ree Ave. bet. Lake Lucerne & Lake Lomand Ave., Zone R-1-5 Case No. 8214 (N.H.) 6-27-67 Lot 152- Permit to Melvin E. & Betty Heye to maintain approx. 6o 1 of solid block wall v&r7- in height from 2 ' to 31611 obs 0 1 SB where a 3 1 hi,si wall is perm in estab 15 1 SB, at 6337 Lake Shore Dr. betw Lake Ree Ave. & Jackson Dr., Zone R-1-5. Case No. 8309 N.H. 8-28-67 ~~..:.:~e lett~~~~~~==~~~~~e-~~'t1~-~--- Pennit to Viking Developers, Inc. to const sing fam res on each lot to be used for a period of one yr as model homes with sales office in gar of 1110del on Lot 186; one 4 1 x 31, sing.faced., model ID sign on each lot and one 41 x 81 ID sign on Lot 186; signs to obs 0 1 SB on Lake Lucerne, Lake Ree and Lake Lamond Drs, where a 15 1 SB is eatab. Models, sales office & signs perm for lots offered for sale.for the first time i.f within two yrs from subdivision.filillg d&~e in the Office of the County Recorder, on Lots 185, 186, 187, Lake View Countey Club Village 113, in 7500 Block Lake Ree Ave. betw Lake Lucerne & Lake Lamond Drs., Zone R-l-5i Cond1l. Case No. 8422 N.H. 10-31-67