Larchmont Block 4
LARCHMONT BLOCK 4.tif LARCHMONT BLOCK 4- 76(3 E70' of 8150' of Blk 4- Permit DENIED to Mr. Murray F. & Mrs. Esther Skelton, own & Venus L. Mitchell, pur, to erect sin tam res with 15' SB on Brooklyn Ave. (Ave. 33') 5958 Brcoklyn Ave. Res. 6324 4-2-52 E70' of 8150' of Blk 4- Murray F, & Esther Skelton, own & Venus L. Mitchell, pur, appealed Res. 6324 to cc. Res. 1o6358 permitted sin fam res with 25' SB on Brooklyn Ave., where ave is 33' & 15' SB on 60th St. CC 106358 4-17-52 E70' of S150' of Blk 4- 6 mos ext granted to Venus L. Mitchell to above Res. cc 109157 11-13-52 Por Block 4- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Braulio R. Padua to (1) erect ret wall 5' to 7' high obs a O' front yd and (2) to maintain exs two-car garage obs an l1 1 611 front yd at 830 60th Street. R-1-6. C-14702 NH. 10-5-77.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------