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Development Services

Larchmont Block 6

LARCHMONT BLOCK 6.tif LARCHMONT BLOCK 6 Lots 6 & 7- Permit to Robert F, Driver & cnaries So45'; So,50' of Ro. 100'; & No 50' and maint 15' Dr. t(c. Dail to divide into 3 parcels; setback on IonaDr. & no SB on Kenwood Res. 940 5-10-45 N Lot 3- Permit to Arnold T, Chapman to const res, making 2 units on parcel at 712 Iona Dr., Zone R-2 C-742 9-12-56 s Lot 2- Permit to cnalmer & Allie M. Sing to const res, making 2 units on lot split after zonig but prior to 12-5-54 at 720 Iona Dr. C-1011 2-15-57 Lot I exc Wly 62 12/ 1- Permit to Jessie E & Cora E Campbell to const approx 12 1 x 19 1 I ivrm ext to exist sin fam dwel 1; addn to obs 8 1 frontyd on Brooklyn Ave where 15 1 req DENIED but APPROVED 10 1 frontyd, 744 Iona Dr, Zone R-1-6 C-13549 4-1-76--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------