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Development Services

Larchmont Block 8

LARCHMONT BLOCK 8.tif LARCHMONT BLOCK 8 Permit to E.A. Sutton, 2690 Dove St. to build 4 res. on Blk 8 & Lots 6 & 7 of Blk 5, at Merlin Dr. & Brooklyn Ave. each on parcel of land over 5000 sq ft. var to Ord. 116 NS Res. 74312 6-3-41 8100' Blk 8 exc the E25'- Permit to Louis H, Picard to erect a sin ram res,NE cor of Merlin Dr. & Brooklyn Ave. Res. 1339 2-14-46 8100' of Blk 8 exc the Ely 25'- Permit to Louis B. Picard to erect a sin tam res, NE cor of Merlin Dr. & Brooklyn St. Res. 3303 7-28-48 Por Lot 7 Blk 5 & por Blk 8- Permit to Geo. S. & Margaret Iverson, pur & Ray & Betty Doyle, own to split into 2 lots & erect duplex on each, w of Lot 7, Blk 5 & all of Blk 8 exc 8100', 800 blk Merlin Dr. Res. 6525 6-11-52