Larwin Mesa View # 11 Card 3
LARWIN MESA VIEW # 11 CARD 3.tif LARWIN MESA VIEW#\11 10~.. c; Card #3. \9 Lot- 1035- Permit to Larwin-San Diego, Inc. to constr single fam dwel I obs al I yard requirements but resulting in approx. 44% cov where 4o% is perm. Map #7039, at 11123 Bootes St. betw Capucoin Way & Alphecca Way, Zone R-1-5.,/ C-1 091 0 N. H. 11-1 2-71---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 952 & 953- Permit to Larwin-San Diego, Jnc. to constr single fam dwell obs all yard requirements but resulting in approx 32% cov whre 40% is perm, Map #7039, at 8897 & 8911 Centaurus Way bet Shaula Way & Capricorn Way, Zone R-1-5. /i. C-10912 N.H 11-12-71 Lots 899 & 900- Permit to Larwin-San Diego, Jnc. to constr single fam dwell obs all yard requirements but resulting in approx 44% Cov. where 40% is perm;- at Westonhill Drive betw. corvus Place & Arcaturus Way, Zone R-1-5, C,-1 091 7 N. H. 11-12-71 Lot 1025- Pennit to Larwin-San Diego, Inc. to constr single fam dwell. obs all yard requirements but resulting in approx 44% cov where 40% isperm at 11166 Bootes St. betw Capricorn Way & Alphecca Way, Zone R-1-5. C-10916 N,H ./ 11-12-71 Lot-906---Permit- to-La,,,,i n,- San~iego,-Inc.-to- cons tr- single-fam-dwel 1 'Obs-al 1-yard----- requi rements but resulting in approx 44% cov where 40/o is perm at 11245 ~tonhill Dr. betw Corvus Pl. & Arcaturus Way, Zone R-1-5. C-10915 N.H. 11-12-71