Larwin Mesa View # 12 Card 2
LARWIN MESA VIEW # 12 CARD 2.tif Lot 1202- Tile Z.A. nas considered tne requaest of Ricnard & Juditn Clark to erect approx 116 1 of 6 1.bign wood fence obs 0' front yard wnere max 3' nign fence is perm in req 15' front yard, at 11480 Madar Dr, nortn of Mankar Rd, Zone R-1-5 and nas DENIED as requested, but APPROVED a 5' nign fence obs 5' front yard, cond'l. C-11528 N.H. 9-27-72 Lot 1199- Permit DENIED to David & Diane Miramontes to erect approx 93' of solid wood fence 6 1 nign obs O' street side yard on Hadar Dr wnere 10' is req and wnere 15' is req in tne 20' rear yard wnen property adjoins front yard of adj parcel, at 8536 Menkar Rd- betw Hadar & ipica, Zone R-1-5. 6' bign fence A aled-DENIED as re but APPROVED 62'long C-ll632 N.H. ll-7-72_ppe________________ g____________________________________________________________________