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Larwin Mesa View # 12 Card 4

LARWIN MESA VIEW # 12 CARD 4.tif,.,.,,,,,,,------ '. '.---: LARWIN MmA vm1 #12 ,o~r ~ Lot 1084- The Z,A. has considered the req of G, and Salvacion Pulopot to const a 26' x 15' porch and famil.y room addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs a 141 rear yrd where 20' is req, and Menkar Rd, Zone R-1-5 and he.a DDIED as requested but APPROVED a 16' rear yard- Cond' l. C-12,138 8-24-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 1101. Permit to William and Bonnie Harrison to constr 12' x 22' rec room addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs a 16 1-6" rear yard where 20' is req, at 11414 Vela Dr. betw Cetur, and Menkar Roads, Zone R-1-5, C-12549 N.H. 4-10-74--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 1124- Permit to Eugene A. & Joni A. Grieshaber to const a 16'x20' bedrm and t~bath addn to exs sfd; addn to obs a 15' rear yard. 11415 Spica Drive. R-1-5 Zone. Condi- tion. C-15241. 711-78. Lot 1238- ZA DENIED request of PHILIP F. & SANDRA L. BURKSAZE to maintain 86 1 of 9' hi solid wood fence in the reqd 4' side yd. where a max, 6 1 hi fence is permitted at 8714 Menkar Rd,, Zone Rl-5000. 9/3/85-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------