Larwin Mesa View #3 Card 2
LARWIN MESA VIEW #3 CARD 2.tif LAI\WD MISA VIEW #3 Lot 2o6- Permit to B. Walter, Jr. & Georgetta Marie Simpson as amended, to erect approx 61 1 of a 5' bi solid wood fence obs 2' street eideyard on Pieces Way, where a max 3 1 bi fence is perm in req 10' st aideyard at 8691 Perseus Rd, at the SW cor of its intersect with tiscee Way. Zone R-1-5. c-1o6n R.H. 1-22-n---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------Lot 267- Permit to Norman E. & Judith C. Dahle to erect approx. 75' of 6 1 hi sol id wood fence obs 0 1 str side yd on Hydra Lane where max 3' hi fence is perm in req 10' Str side yard 8690 Hydra Lane about 80' S. of Andromeda Rd. Zone R-1-5 C-10786 N,H. 9-20-71 Lot 196- Permit to Edward & Dianne Cadwallader to construct 15' x 17' residential patio addn to exist single fam dwell resulting in 46.5% coverage where a max 40% is permitted at 8680 Perseus Rd betw Westonhill Dr & Ara Pl Zone R-J-5. Condi. C-12308 12-20-73 Lot 266- Permit to Bernard & Yoko Osep to constr sin tam dwell with bar sink in recreation room on 2nd fioor at 8693 Andromedia Blvd. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2062 6-12-75 Lot 188- DENIED- Permit to John M. Peters, own- Al Wylie's Sign Asso., lessee to erect and main for a period of I yr a sin-face free-stand, non-illumin 3' x 5' overall ht 8' subdiv dire sign to direct potiential home buyers to 11 Valley Crest Homes" ax located on Menkar Rd approx I mile to the N/E. Sign to obs O! property line SB on Westonhill Dr. where 15' is req., at 11145 Westonhill Dr, Zone R-1-5. c-13,732 7-20-76-----------------------------------------------------------.------------------------------