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Larwin Mesa View # 5

LARWIN MESA VIEW # 5.tif LARWIB MESA VIEW #5 Lot 462- Z.A. has considered the request of Edward G. & Evelyn J. Torres to erect approx 88 1 of wood fence 61 nigh obs O' street side yd where a max 3' high fence is perm in a 10' street side yard, at 8474 Borealis Road betw Virgo Place and Pallux Way, Zone R-l-5, nas DENIED as requested, but APPROVED 5' high wood fence obs O' street side yard. ~--~-.Z~-~l~-----------------------------~===~~-~:~:___________:::~=~---- Lot 464- Z. A. has considered the request of Patric & Dorothy J. Ridgway, to constr a JO' x 20' patio cover and 4 1 x 6 1 porch addn to an exist single-family home;addn to result In 43% lot coverage where 40% is perm, at 8455 Pallux Wy, Zone R-1-5. Cond' I C- 13,687 NH 5-25-7 Lot 515- Permit to Roland A. & Janet D. POULIN APPROVED to construct a 12' X 17' patio cover addition to existing single family dwelling; addition to result in 43% lot coverage where 40% is permitted, at 8478 Calle Morelos, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. Case No. #16365 NH 9-18-79 Lot 506- Agreement with CLARKE AND LESLIE LISK to construct a one-story addition to an existing one-story, single-family dwelling; said addition containing a bedroom, family room, full bath with exterior access and interior access from existing living room, located at 8473 Calle Morelos, Rl-5000 zone. Agreement No. 4725 08/22/90