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Larwin Mesa View # 7 Card 2

LARWIN MESA VIEW # 7 CARD 2.tif V LARWIN MESA VIEW #7 Lot 685- Permit DENIED Martha Shepardson to erect 50' of solid wood fence 6' hi obs o St sideyd on Kelowna Rd where max 3' hi fence is perm in 10 1 St sideyd at 8507 Aquarius Dr betw Kelowna Rd & Aquarius Pl Zone R-1-5. C-10931 N.H. 12-6-71 above appealed 1/24/72 and was GRANTED; the decision of the z. A. was overruled and the appellant's appeal is sustained;condl. 1-28-72 Lot 655- Aaat Z,A. baa conaidered ttae request al Paul L, &:Betty J. Bircb tor pe:r,a to erecr 68''" al 6 1 n.igb solid wood fence oba O' street eideyd wbere max 3' fence ie pel'll in req lO'atreet eideyd, & to conatr 750 eq. ft. patio adda to exiet aio tam dwell, eddn to obef 3' atreet eideyd woere lO' ie req, at 8729 Lepua Road betv Weetonbill Dr & Bralorne Court. Zone R-l-5 aa4 nu DDDD tbe patio encroacbMnt into req etl'Mt eicleyard, but APPROVBD approx 70' al 6 1 l:ligtl solid vood fence oba a O' etreet eideyard along Weatonbill Dr. Coad'l. C-11089 3-17-72-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 701- Permit to Robert R. & Leonora M. Beagle to maintain 150' of 2'-lO" solid wall with 2'-2" open fence on top (overall height 5 ') fence obs O' front yard on Aquarius Dr. where max 3' high wall is perm in req 15' front yard, and O' street side yard on Aquarius Place where max 3' high wall is perm in 10' street side yard, at 8631 Aquarius Dr, betw Aquarius Place and Westonhill Drive, Zone R-1-5, C-12860 N.H. l0-17-74--~-------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------