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Larwin Mesa View # 8 Card 1

LARWIN MESA VIEW # 8 CARD 1.tif LABWll MBSA VDW Ulll'l' 18 CARD #1 l{(l,ot 8o4- Permit DEBDD to Ellrl R, & laka snantz to erect approx "' of 6 1 b.i pine wood fence obe 0' at aide yd on Markab Dr vb.ere max 3' b.i fence is perm. in req 10' etreet side yard at 8524 Aquariue Dr 9tw Markab Dr and Acrux Dr. Zone R-1-5. \, C-10818 R.H. 10-1-71---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 8o4- Permit DDIED to Earl R. & laka Shantz to intain approx"' of 6 1 bi pine woocl fence ob a 0' st a ideyd osi..*rkab Dr, vb.ere a max 3' bi fence ia perm in a req 10' street aideyd at 8524 Aquarius Dr l9tw Markab and Acrux Drive. Zone R-1-5.; C-10941 12-3-71 BZA APPEAL- Appeal DDIID ~ tne deciaion of tne Z.A. be uptield baeed on llie findinga of fact&.,; i., C-10941 1-31-72 COUICILJ.PPEAL- Appeal DDtand tile decieion of tbe BZA be upn.eld. C-10941 2-29-72.,., 'i."o-;-78;-_--;.-;;i-t--t~--;.-;.-r-;:..--;n:--;e~-;;;;,-t~--;-i-n-;;;i~--;_p~~--5O,-;f-6-~-~'"ii-,-~-;l-i~-;~ fence oba a 5' street eideyard, ynere a 3' lligb fence is perm, at 11271 Acrux Dr at tne llE cor of its intersect with '.Aquarius Dr. Zone R-1-5. cond 'L C-11226 R.H. 5-4-72---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 715- to Alan R. & 'Ilaria G. Huber to maintain 10' of 6' bigb solid wood fence and to conatr an additional 60\ of 6' nigb eolid wood fence obs frC111 0' to 10' atreet side yard adJ Westontiill Dr vbere,i: 3' 111 fence is perm at 8732 Aquarius Dr betw RW cor of Aquarius Dr and Westonbill Dr. \Zone R-1-5, CoDd 'l. C-11236 R.H. 5-9-72