Las Alturas #4 Block 12
LAS ALTURAS #4 BLOCK 12.tif i...,~.....,,..._..-.....,;--..._ LAS ALTURAS #4 Block 12 '-.,--.... Nly Por.- Cond permit to Henry E. & Winnie D. Hodges, own; Lloyd A. Carson, Jr., purch, to erect res w/7' SB on San Jacinto Dr, & 15' SB on Santa Margarita St, front approx 96' on San Jacinto Dr & approx 65' on Santa Margarita St, accord to legal on file, SW cor San Jacinto Dr & Santa Margarita St, Zone R-4 Res 5100 11/1/50 ABOVE- 6-mo ext Res 5100 by Res 5504 5/2/51 Por- permit to Lloyd A. & June Carson to sell fruit juices at 5241 Santa Mafgarie St for l yr, l sign, no advertising, Zone R-4 Res. 9105 8/17/55 Ext, I yr 7/2/57; Ext 2-yr 7/15/58; Ext 1 yr, to expire 6/30/63; Ext to 6/30/65; Ext to 6/30/66; Ext to 6/30/67; Ext to 6/27/68; Ext to 6/30/69; Ext----------- to- 6/30/70---~ i~ k l,-.Jo- 7f-?~~.-z.9-?fV:::!-J#~ 1; G.- ~!:-72,.G:)..7() idpC ~:t;; c_ i_0-7J (J-s-1:1..),, I,,,,,, t,.Jo-1