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Development Services

Las Alturas #5 Block 22

LAS ALTURAS #5 BLOCK 22.tif BLOCK 22-Lots A,B,C,D,E- Permit to Frank Faust and Herbert Kelly to excavate 10,000 Cu. yds. of dirt from property for bldg. sites, on No. side of Market St. beginning at E line of 51st St., Zone R-4, provided that floor of excavation at lot line is left approx. 3' above street grade, that it slope back & up at 1% grade until it meets cut bank, which shall be at a slope of approx. I to I to be broken by 10' wide terrace approx. half way up cut slope, which cut slope shall end no closer than 5' to abutting lot lines, subject to any conditions which may be imposed by City Mgr. on Excavation. Res.#5407 3-21-51 Lot A thru E, exc N 30', Permit to Title Ins. & Trust Co. to =cavate approx. 100,000 cu. yds. earth to be removed from premises, not lower than I' above Market St., 1% slope up to rear & Por. Lot F wly of canyon, on N side Market between 51st & Glen Rd., R-4 zone, with fence at top of cut slopes as req. by City Eng. / Case #3012 12-24-59