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Development Services

Las Alturas Villa Sites Card 1

LAS ALTURAS VILLA SITES CARD 1.tif LAS ALTUAAS VILLA SITES CARD #I Por Lots 59 & 60- Conditional permit to R. W. Sanders Jr. and A. C. Burkhart to divide par into 3 lots and const a sin fam res on ea, Olvera St. and Santa Isabel St. Res.#2921 3-3-48 Por Lots 59 & 60- AmenElment to Res.#2921 {above) granted to R. W. Sanders Jr. and A. C. Burkhart. See Res,#3006 4-1-48 Pot Lot 60- Permit granted to R. W. Sanders to split out two par of land, ea with front~ age for the full width of the lot on Olvera Ave., and permit a sin fam res on ea, Olvera Ave., West of Santa Isabel St. Res.#3111 5-5-48 Por Lots 52 & 53- Conditional permit to Edward and Marie Smith to const a sin fam res on said par, SE Gor of Olvera Ave. and Bonita Dr. See Res.#3391 8-25-48 Por Lots 52 & 53-Amendment to Res.#3391 {above) to permit res to be within 125' of Olvera Ave._ {See both Res.) Res.#3424 9-8-48 Nly 110' of Lot 2, Cond'l permit to Anthony J. & Emma J. Ritz, et al, to divide said Nly 110' into 4 par., S side of Churchward St., W of San Jacinto Dr. Res.#3679 1-26-49--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sly 400' of Lot 59- Cond'I permit to J.C. Babb, Leonard & Jaunita E. Martinez & loml. R. & Marilyn Peale, to div, into 4 bldg. sites & build sing. fam res on ea, Sta. Isabel Dr. W of San Onofre Terrace & Entina Dr. Res.#3838 4-20-40-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------