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Development Services

Las Alturas Villa Sites Card 5

LAS ALTURAS VILLA SITES CARD 5.tif LAS ALTURAS VILLA SITES CARD JS ').) E 50 1 of Lot 63, exc, Nly \50 1- 6 mo, ext. to Res.#8067 ABOVE to E.C. DeCJue, on Ni side Logan Ave. 425 1 E of Euclid Ave., condl. Res.#8605 11-10-54--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por Lot 63- Permit to Raudie L, & Barbara Matlock to split off por & erect sin fam res, on the N side of Logan Ave,, cond'J. Res.#8729 2-2-55--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por Lot 63- Permit to Leroy A, & Elizabeth J. Donais to const sin fam res on par split out aft zoning, N side Logan Ave. betw Euclid & Ginna Pl. cond'I R-1. Res.#9292 11-9-55 E 50' of Lot 63 exc. Nly ISO'- Cond'I permit to Glenn H. & Clara E. Miller to const sindle fam res on par of land split out aft zoning but prior to 12-5-54, betw Euclid Ave. & Ginna Pl. on Logan Ave. Case#645 8-5-~6 Por Lot 59- Permit DENIED to Jessie F. Snyder to const 3 res, making total of 4 units at 824 Santa Isabel Dr, Zone R-1. Case#l988 8-15-58 Por Lot 44 & Por Lot l, Euclid Manor to West;ands Investments, Inc. to const filling station at NE cor Euclid Ave. & Olvera Ave. Zone R-1 & C cond'I. Case#2311 9-4-59 Por Lot 43- C,U.P, to E.A. Berman owner to const & opera 54 unit housing project on Euclid A~ betw La Paz Dr. & Trinidad Way DENIED Zone R-1. Case#4629 3-7-62 Por Lot I- Permit to the Roamn Ca tho I ic Bi shop of S.D, to const addn & alter exist ~~~=con- forming bldg extending into C-P Zone for use as auditorium & parochial school (5th to 8th grades) Res.8325 CP permits commercial parking only, C permits assanbly hall, at 5115 Church- ward St. C & CP Zones cond' I. Cas~ 7-17-63-...s'J.f7