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Development Services

Las Alturas Villa Sites Card 6

LAS ALTURAS VILLA SITES CARD 6.tif;,.;.--.--.--- '---.-.-. T-----.... LAS ALTURAS VILLA SITES C)SC\-5,, Card No. 6 ~ Nly 235' of Sly 400' Lot 59- AGREEMENT #585 to James C. Babb & Alma V. Babb to divide above described into 2 bldg sites and perm single fam res on each. 4-23-49---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por Lots 52 & 53- AGREEMENT #581 to Edward Smith & Marie Smith to constr single fam res on parcel & have applied for Zone Variance under Application No. 6326, dated 6-22-48. 9-8-49---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por. Lot 74- Resub. No. 3- Perm to SOLOMON & ARDYTH SHAW to erect, as amended, approx 50' of 6 1 hi solid fence on top of exist 3' hi retain wall on rear prop line, where max 6 1 hi wall or fence perm;- 5330 Coban St betw Logan Ave & Reynolds St, Zone R-1-5. Case No. 11379 7-13-72---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por Lot 83- Condi Approval to Charles R. & Carmen Blythe to constr 16 1 x 20' open patio addn to single fam dwell on lot split prior to 12-5-54, which has 13' of front- age on dedicated st where 15' req;- Ma~ 501, 5361 Bonita Dr betw Cervantes Ave & Coban St, Zone R-1-5. Case No. 12362 12-27-73 Por. Lot 93- AGREEMENT- HAROLD HAMILTON to construct a second story addition containing a full bathroom over existing attached garage with outside entrance to existing single-family dwelling. 5390 Cervantes Av~nue, Zone R-1-5, Map #501. Agreement No. 3140 8/20/84