Las Lomas Block B
LAS LOMAS BLOCK B.tif LAS LOMAS BLOCK B I'' i.s Lot 14 Sly 50 1 House with a 5' sideyd adj to lot 15 and a space of 19' be provided betw dwellings on Jots 13 & 14. Granted to Arthur W. Karsten by Res.#76058 1-27-42 Lot 2- Permit to L.A. & Frances B. Robb to erect 87 Jin ft of retain wall in ht from 21 to 81 along side & rear lot line at 2355 Palermo Dr. Res.#5671 7-11-51 Lot 1- Permit to Hartse! & Elma R. Rexroad to const blk wall 5' to 6 1 high, 10" inside of exist retain wall 5' to 11 1 high, SWly cor Palermo & Zola. Res.#7175 2-18-53 Lot 19- Permit to Russell A. & Doris S. Evans to erect coricrete block wall ranging in height from 2' to 5' obs 0 1 SB on Lucerne Dr.; por of wall to be retaining t por to be freestanding; por of freestanding wall on Ely side of driveway to be backfilled; to excavate por of yd at level of 2' to 5' ret wall; & to erect approx. 4 1 high ret wall obs 6 1 SB on Lucerne Dr. where average SB of the blk is req, & max 3' high fence in SB area is perm, at 2310 Lucerne Dr., Zone R-1, cond'l. Case#5707 5-14-63