Las Lomas Block E Card 1
LAS LOMAS BLOCK E CARD 1.tif LAS LOMAS BLOCK E: CARD # I ~c, Permit to Paul Greenwood & D.C. Stevens, 3729 El Cajon Blvd. to erect 3 sin fam res on Lots 1- 2 blk E Las Lomas ea to be on a Lot containing over 6,000 sq ft Res.#76683 granted 4-14-42 Lot 23- Cond'l permit to Dr. E.J. Lorentzen & Dr. I.W. Parks, owners & J.J. Evans, lessee to conduct dental lab in exist dental clintt bldg & work for outside dentists also, 2236 Chats- worth Blvd. Res.#4120 9-7-49 Lot 27- Permit to Kenneth R. Melie to erect 4 liv units with 81 5f' access court, on NW side of Chatsworth Blvd. b~tw Zola & Voltaire Sts. Res.#5548 5~16-51 Por Lot 22- Permit to Dr. E.J. Lorentzen & Dr. I.W. Parks to pave level por for parking area 2218 Chatsworth cond'I. Res.#7296 4-1-53 Por Lot 22- Permit to Dr. E.J. Lorentzen & Dr. I.W. Parks to pave por of Jot with 5' SB on Chatsworth, 2218 Chatsworth. Res.#7297 4-1-53 Lots 29, 30 & 31- Permit to Sixth Ch. of Christ Scientist to const 3' to 5' freestanding wall on top of a retaining wall 3' to 17' high, 2340 Chatsworth Blvd. Case#l23 4-5-54 Lots 25 & 26- Cond'I permit to Glen E. & Mary McPherren to const a 4 unit add tying two exist 4 unit bldgs together, the gar & laundry rm por to obs 7' rearyd (10' req) the living units to obs all yd req, at 2304 Chatsworth R-4. Case#l838 5-9-58--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 22, AMENDS Res.#7296 to permit const of off & apt bldg on rear of Jot 23, with stairway pro- jecting into Jot 22, on cond. agreement that both lots will be kept i~ oneepar & not be sold,separately. cond. as on Res.#7296. Case#-~4 4-10-59