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Development Services

Laurel Heights Block 1

LAUREL HEIGHTS BLOCK 1.tif----~----,-:',,,,,,,,,,,,. ~ LAUBEL KEIGHTS BLOCK_l_ (Lot 50- Permit to R.K. Margetts to canst new gar & stge rm, 55 1 from front property line with no sideyd, 2509 34th St. Res.#1299 1-31-46-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 6- Permit to Mario & Thelma Vismara to erect gar 40 1 back of fr prop line with I I sideyd 2603 Kew Terrace. Res,#6582 7-9-52 Lot 29- Permit to Chas F, Abel to erect gar with I~ sideyd, 2615 Covington Rd. Res.#6878 10-1-52 Lot 26- Permit to Joseph L. t Lorene Miller to erect 17' x 22 1 gar with O' rearyd 40 1 back from front prop line, 2604 Covington Rd. Res.#7561 7-8-53 Lot 27- Permit to:Chas O. & Janet Ayars to erect 17' x 22 1 gar with 0' sideyd 40 1 back from fr prop line, 2603 Covington Rd. Res.#7562 7-8-53 Lot 29- Permit to Chas F. & Burnice B. Abel to enclose exist frl porch, alter to add to dining rm; canst 3' add to kitchen & add bedrm with basernt belovr'to rear of exist sin fam res; convert I bedrm to bath & laundry, & relocate frt entrance to exist sin fam res wth detach gar less than 70' frm frt prop In, obs 1411 sideyd, adds & alters to obs all yd req, 2615 Covington Rd. R-2. Case#3641 10-19-60 Lot 1- Permit to Harold Stewart for room addition & deck, at 2539 34th St, Land conservation Pennit 213-LC 7-23-75----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------