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Development Services

Leebrick's Addn. Block 1 Card 1

LEEBRICK'S ADDN. BLOCK 1 CARD 1.tif #,.- BLO,CK 1 Block I- Lots 26 thru 36- Permit to Lester Loeser to use land for stge of period of 120 days at 39th & Z Sts. Res,#5182---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appeal filed on above Res. & Z.C. decision upheld by City Council- Res.#100911 1-11-51----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 26- 36, Blk J- Ext. of 90 days from exp. date of Res.#5182 Res.#5444 4-4-51----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 26- 36, Blk.J- Ext. of 2 yrs. from exp. date of RES.5444 to Lester Loeser, 39th & Z Sts. to use land for stor of used automobiles. Res.#5789 8-22-51 Lots 26- 36, Blk I- Lester Loeser to use land for stor of used cars, CC overruled ZC, to exp. 6-30-52, 39th & Z Sts. Res.#CC103611 9-6-51 Lots 26- 36, Blk 1- Lester Loeser (ABOVE) to remove exist fence when zone var exp. Res.#CCI03673 9-13-51 /-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~-- Lots 43-44- Permit to Roosevelt Graham to erect 65 1 of Chain link fence 6 1 hi obs a O' front yd where max 3' hign fence is perm in a 15' front yard at 3978 Z St, betw 39tn and 40th Streets Zone R-4. Cond'l. c-11630 N.H. 11-7-72---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 12- Permit to Karrrnie and Patricia Kendricks to const a second-story addn to an exs sfd which obs a 3' int side yard; addn also to obs 3' int side yard. 3949 Boston Avenue. Zone R-2. Condition. C-15419 NH. 8-22-78,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-.,,-,---,.,-......,......-