Lemon Villa Lot 13 Card 2
LEMON VILLA LOT 13 CARD 2.tif LEMQN VILLA LOT 13 CARD#2 Por.- Permit to Omar C, Bradshaw, owner, & Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, purch (Bishop Richard E. Ek) to const church plant on par per master phn in 5200 & 5300 Blk. ~et~/.i"~~-54th_Sts._zone_R-l_cond'I ________________ case#4823__ 4-10-62__________, Por. AGREEMENT#972 to Faith Lutheran Church to const a parsonage as the first unit of a proposed church plant, granted by Cond'I.Use Variance, Case#ll27 2-19-58---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Portion- Permit APPROVED by A2A to SHADOW HILL JOINT VENTURE to erect 486 1 of retaining wall ranging in height from 6 1 to 10' high, with 42" high solid fence on top (overall height is 9.5' X 13.5') to observe 0' side and rear yards where a maximum 6 1 high wall is permitted in 4 1 side yards and 15' rear yard, at 5246, 5252, and 5266 Orange Avenue, Zone R-3A. Conditions. C-16908 NH 9-14-80