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Development Services

Lemon Villa Lot 21 & 22 Card 1

LEMON VILLA LOT 21 & 22 CARD 1.tif.Af.-it.~,~~-..,;-;.I ~;;.-.-.,;, tmdm.LA L01'S 21 a. 22 c.Am> #t J. 7 Lot 22.. to Herbert P. Good,.48o8 Rolando Blvd. to conduct a 40 unit Auto trailer camp on Jne R 200' of the W 220' of the E 516.65 of the Lot 22 near the llE cor of 54tb. St. & University Ave. on tb.e following conth (1) Grade&: surface roadways camp & the connec to Univ Ave; (2) Instaii'a 5' fence around the prop; (3) Plant & maintain in good cond at all times a compact evergreen hedge to screen tbe trailer camp from view of the bigbway; (4) Comply with the Health Department'A requirements as to sanitation; (5) All structures to have the approval of the Planning Comm. tor ext design; (6) 2 yr period from date of tb.ia Rea. Res.#75539 11-12-41 B, 200' of tbe W. 262 1 of tbe 516.65 1 of Lot 22- Cond'l permit to Herbert P, & Alice Good to conat &. opera 40 unit trailer park, R, ot Univ Ave., E, of 54th St. Res.#2916 & 2915 2-25-48 B. 200' ot the W. 262 of E. 516.65' of Lot 22- Amendment to Res.#2915 &: 2916 (ABOVE) granted to Ray M, Woodmansee to permit trailers to be connec to septic_ tank tor l yr., at the end of which time they ab.all be connec to a public sewer. Res.#3129 & 3130 5-5-48 w. 140'- Condl permit to c.w. McGrath to erect chain link fence 5' high on retain. wall of max. ht. of 5', max. overall ht. 10', n cor 54th St. & Univ Ave. Rea,#4115 9-7-49 w. 140'- Condl permit to erect above fence with no SB, to C.W.'McGrath. Rea.#4116 9-7-49 Por- Permit to Chas W. & Carlee McGrath to use for stor!!f.e &:-sal-e of seeds, rock, a111111, etc. D cor 54th & Univ Ave. Zones C &: R-1 Cond'l. Res.f0486 5-28-52------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------