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Lemon Villa Lot 28 Card 1

LEMON VILLA LOT 28 CARD 1.tif LO! 28 11111111//t.. CAR!)f 1. ~(Bly 140' of the Wly 100' of the Ely 565.9', Cond'l to capital Inc0mea Corp., owner&. FrankAloi, purch~ to erect a 2 stall private stable&: fence, approx. 200' E. of 54th St. on the s. side of Univ Ave. Res.#653 7-6-44 Wly 49 1 of the Ely 415.9 of the lly 140' (arb.#4cl) Permit to Joseph Edwards & Gilbert S. 'fownaent to const a 24' by 48' Quoneet Contr. Shop & Stge bldg. s. side of Univ Ave. 300' E. of 54th St. Res.#1890 11-21-46 Por. of Lot 28- Permit to Arthur J. & Roseafton Cesario to raise&: slaughter rabbits, retail & wholesale, at rear of 5437 Univ Ave., for a period of 2 yrs. Res.#2638 11-5-47 Por. of Lot 28- Permit to Glenn Craig, owner, & Arthur H. McKee, purch to establish a contr. shop & yd,, S. side Univ Ave. 650' E. of 54th St,, CO:RDITIONAL. Res,#36Ji.2 12-29-48----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por. Lot 28- Cond'l permit to Capital Imcomes Corp., owner&: Jos. E. Marinello&: Henry '1'. Seidelmann, purcha., to const bldg to be used in connec with exist cabinet shop, also use lot for parking; max. 20 emp. & 16 RP elec. driven equip't, rear of 5467 Univ Ave. Rea.#8092 3-31-54:E. 296 1 of Lot 22 & E. 296' of Lot 28 lying l'ly of Univ Ave., not of record at t(bne of zclning but split prior to 12-5-54- Cond'l permit to John Westfall to move in a sin tam res in add to 1 auto court, at 5450 Univ. Casef576 6-29-56 1 Por.- Permit to c.w. McGrath Inc. to oper contr. storage yg., gar & Qf'fice, at 545l 8 Univ. Ave. c & R-1, to 8-1-59, cond'l. Amend & extend cond'l. 10-17-58 Casefl947 7-18-5---------------------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------